
Doing Immersive Research Vol.1

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Doing Immersive Research Vol.1 is my third book, but it’s the first that’s completely my own. While I was finishing it off, someone said to me “write the book only you can”. And, without wanting to sound like a dick – I’ve done exactly that.


This is my take on how to do good research, delivered in my unique way. I know it will be really useful for some people, especially those who align with my way of seeing the world, approaching research and considering the daft world of academia.

I guess you need to know if that’s you or not?!? Well, for a start, if you know me you probably already know that I’m a bit like marmite. So, if I’m not your cup of tea – no sweat, save your money. There’s plenty of boring, run-of-the-mill, vanilla texts for you to read elsewhere ;)

If you don’t know me, you can download an extract below that I think does a good job of laying out what the book is all about and the way I deliver it. I know my style won’t be to everyone’s taste – some people don’t like swear words after all!

If you’re still not sure, take a moment to watch the video below to get a better idea of the project – I find it much easier to express myself when talking (weird that I’ve written a book, right?).

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the book, to let me know if you’ve found it useful, or anything else.

Cheers! CRM



I’ve self-published this book because I wanted to make sure everybody would be able to afford their own copy, rather than have to borrow one from a library due to the prohibitive prices often set by academic publishers.


Not only have I set an affordable price, but I’ve also set a price structure that means people who are employed full time can subsidise those who are studying and are a little less well-off.

That’s how it should be right – those who have got a job helping those just starting out?

So there are two price options for you to choose between...

Full price for those who are employed full time, or whose workplace is paying for the book and money isn’t tight.

Subsidised/student price for those who are studying and for whom money is a bit tight. But, if you’re a student and money isn’t an issue (perhaps your department will pay for your book?), please select the full price option to help me continue to subsidise those that really need it.

In choosing to pay full price, you’re helping me get the book into people’s hands at a discounted rate – and I really appreciate that.

What people are saying…

This is a brave and bold book which encourages you to be the same and to have confidence in doing research. I know Christopher and his work well and in this book I feel that I can really hear his voice. He has lots of experience of both doing immersive research and of guiding students through the process, sympathetically. He knows what the issues are. He provides a realistic practical guide. It’s not didactic but he really knows what he’s talking about. He uses his own experience and mixes examples such as his own work on boxing bodies with a range of well integrated theoretical perspectives. Whether you are a supervisor looking for new ideas or a student who’s under confident and inexperienced, this is a great book, full of fresh ideas.

— Prof Kath Woodward, Emeritus Professor, Sociology

A clear and concise introduction into immersive research, Chris’ first volume reads like a friendly and supportive discussion about key ideas on theory and methods. In so doing – and this won’t surprise you if you know him – he’s ripped up the proverbial rule book and written a text most academics would never dream of doing. This gives the readers an honest, insightful and informed starting point for thinking about and doing immersive, connected, qualitative research about the social world in which they live. You’ll learn a lot about that, and a little about Chris too, in this educational and enjoyable read.

— Dr. Ali Bowes, Senior Lecturer, Sociology of Sport


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Study a PhD with Dr. Christopher R. Matthews

I specialise in conducting and supervising immersive research, but I’m keen to discuss various projects and research methods with prospective students as well.