Study a PhD with me

I specialise in conducting and supervising immersive research, but I’m keen to discuss various projects and research methods with prospective students as well.


In the video below I share my thoughts about the types of people who should consider doctoral study, as well as the character traits that successful candidates usually possess or develop. I go on to discuss the importance of postgraduate study and why it still has a place within contemporary society.

I talk about the usual and some of the less known routes to funding a PhD. I focus on one avenue in particular that I think works really well for those who are already, or want to become, immersed in subculture.


Below are the types of projects I propose based on the academic research I’ve published. These will change as people take them up, so please revisit this page from time to time. It’s also important to note that these proposals are flexible – designed to be modified to suit different abilities and interests.

If you feel like I can help guide your explorations of the social world, get in touch and I’ll be happy to help you with the application process.

PhD Christopher Matthews PhD Christopher Matthews

Exploring consent in sport: A new agenda for research on health, wellbeing and gender

Consent is a central feature of healthy, enjoyable and equitable sport but recent scandals in gymnastics, athletics and swimming point to the damaging consequences that arise when athletes’ consent is compromised, misunderstood, or simply absent. Despite its importance, consent is an under-researched and under-theorised topic that represents an important area for impactful research.

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PhD Christopher Matthews PhD Christopher Matthews

Blood work: Exploring direct to consumer health monitoring and performance enhancement

The recent rise of companies that specialise in direct to consumer health monitoring, testing and screening adds a new level of complexity to attempts to research harm reduction programmes. These companies have led the development of products that circumvent clinicians as well as medical programmes and health promoting initiatives, and there is a complete lack of knowledge around this relatively new phenomena.

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PhD Christopher Matthews PhD Christopher Matthews

Concussion in women’s sport

Interest in issues connected to concussion and other traumatic brain injuries connected to sport have risen dramatically in the last decade. While the majority of the attention has been directed at men’s sport, more recent research has highlighted specific issues within women’s participation.

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How could regular mentorship benefit you?

Helping others develop is the most rewarding part of my job, which is why I offer academic support to find structure, balance and strategic direction.