
Discover new possibilities and propositions for your customers, community, people or organisation through immersive research.


My research and workshop services are for people who can appreciate, and want to understand, the importance of reconsidering assumptions or traditions to develop new ways of thinking and working.

Through my workshops, I teach people to consider the fundamentals of social research methods and critical thinking. This aims to produce powerful moments of realisation that can help you, or your team, come up with innovative and disruptive ways of interpreting the world to tackle business and commercial, or societal challenges that may arise.


Social Research Methods

Learn about and implement social scientific research methods.

Understand the limits of knowledge and how this helps us reconsider the world around us.

Develop empathetic intelligence to consider other ways of seeing and thinking.

Think about the research you conduct or commission, and how you plan to use it.

This workshop will introduce you, or your team, to theoretical ideas and guide reflections on these philosophical underpinnings in a practical manner.


This foundational step teaches key principles that will help you develop your own immersive research strategies to meet diverse and pragmatic needs.

It’s good to discuss any planned projects or desired research outcomes beforehand so I can tailor a workshop to suit you.

Critical Thinking

Make critical thinking work for you, your people and your organisation.

Assess the value of evidence and logic to progressively move beyond traditions and assumptions.

Develop strategic coherence and communication skills for yourself and your team.

Use critical thinking to improve the community or business areas you need to change or promote.

Uncritically accepting assumptions can be comfortable, but for many this can lead to an unproductive and unfulfilled existence. This workshop encourages people to challenge ideological and moralistic viewpoints to rethink the world around them.


As a group, we’ll examine and discuss evidence, logic, and problems with making uninformed judgements. We’ll also talk about the need for strategic consistency when thinking through and communicating ideas.

As with everything I do, this workshop will be tailored to the needs of the group to make sure we get the practical outcomes you’re looking for.


Let’s talk about how I can help you as a social science research consultant.

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