Academic writing: Part four

I’ve spent many years developing my own academic writing and using that experience to help students do the same, so this video series is for sharing some of that experience and advice.

I’ve often found people may well understand a topic in detail but they’re unable to get their message across well in a written format. If that sounds like you, this video will help.

A good way of approaching academic writing is to stop thinking that it's actually about writing. Being good at English doesn’t mean you’re good at academic writing – these skills overlap but they’re not the same.

The most important element of good academic writing is high-level thinking and analysis. Once this is in place, the transference of those ideas onto paper becomes most important. Therefore, the ‘thinking’ and reading dimensions must take priority.

Related links

Academic writing: Part three and part five

What would studying a PhD with me be like?

My university preparation course, UniPrep

Other Thoughts and Ideas:

Structuring an analysis of complex problems

Study skills with Dr. David Hindley


Academic writing: Part five


Academic writing: Part three