Study skills with Dr. David Hindley: First year undergraduate success

Here’s the latest study skills chat with my colleague Dr. David Hindley. David is a Principal Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University with over two decades of experience teaching in HE.

He’s supported students in various ways for this time and specialises in developing innovative teaching strategies. We keep it simple in this chat and discuss six key ways that first year undergraduate students can work towards a successful time at University.

These ideas link together but specifically we talk about routine, balance, engagement, and ownership of one’s learning. This is a really useful talk for those thinking about going to university, or those just starting their degrees.

Related links

Find out more about David and his research: NTU Staff Profile

Follow David on Twitter

Watch another recent talk on study skills with Dr. Alex Channon

Learn all about my university preparation course, personal tuition and mentoring: UniPrep

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