Synthesising theory with Dr. Alex Channon

Alex and I have been involved in teaching deviancy in sport for over a decade. It’s a theme that has run though both our careers as lecturers. We’ve always delivered the content on these ideas in a way that brings various academic ideas together. As such, we thought discussing the topic would be a great way to demonstrate the importance of synthesis of theory.

After outlining a few key issues around the need for synthesis. We build on the framework I have outlined in this video about social analysis. We also provide various examples to help those trying to explain social behaviours and phenomena.

In particular, this sort of thinking will be helpful for undergraduate and postgraduate scholars who are trying to find a way of structuring an essay, literature review or book chapter.

Related links

You can follow Alex on Twitter.

Click here to download the Ice Hockey paper we mention.

And, you can look for the classic text from Howard Becker that I recommend if you’d like to read more about deviancy.


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