Thoughts and Ideas

This section is a space for me to consider issues within society and contemporary culture.

Here, I’ll introduce and further develop ideas I like to work with, explain and expand on issues that stem from previous projects, as well as consider immersive research and developing practices.


Study a PhD with Dr. Christopher R. Matthews

I specialise in conducting and supervising immersive research, but I’m keen to discuss various projects and research methods with prospective students as well.

What makes a good supervisor?
Pedagogy Christopher Matthews Pedagogy Christopher Matthews

What makes a good supervisor?

Getting a PhD is a necessary but insufficient part of becoming a good supervisor. The skills required to become an academic do not match the skills needed to lead others on their journey through developing as a researcher. These two statements are not explored enough within university settings.

In this video I outline some of the key ideas that I have used to develop as a supervisor. This has taken time, effort and personal reflection. But without this process I would not be able to provide the level of support, encouragement and direction that I think a supervisor owes to their students.

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