Immersion in performance sport with Dr. Alex Culvin: Some findings from women’s football and men’s boxing

I was lucky enough to have Dr. Alex Culvin speak to me about her research in professional women’s football. We also went into some of my work researching and teaching about drugs and doping in sport.

Alex is a senior lecturer at the University of Salford. Her career at the top end of the sport has resulted in her having fantastic access to elite players at a key time for the sport. We consider how shared experiences can be a great way of gaining insight during interviews.

We build on the idea that sport can be considered as a male preserve and discuss a bunch of findings from Alex’s PhD.

I then discuss how we can go about explaining drugs and doping in sport. We both use similar immersive research methods so we draw back on these ideas at various times during our conversation.


OPD interview with Joe Jeffrey and Austin Stout


Structuring an analysis of complex problems