Structuring an analysis of complex problems

In this video I talk through a clear and systematic way of structuring an analysis of a given problem or issue. I like to work from the general to the specific when I write and teach because this provides clear context for individual nuances and differences in behaviours.

I propose the idea of a complex of ideas, rather than complex ideas. This means we can bring together simple ways of thinking about a topic and structuring them in a way that helps us explain a complex issue. In this regard, we’re talking about a complex (different things that are connected in some way) rather something being complex (confusing and hard to understand).

The levels of analysis can be thought of as wide/structural, medium/network and specific/personal, but I use various terms to frame these ideas.

Hopefully this will be useful for people who want to explain complex behaviours, problems or issues.

Related links

You can download my research philosophy from my About page, or watch another video about conducting social research here.


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