Thoughts and Ideas
This section is a space for me to consider issues within society and contemporary culture.
Here, I’ll introduce and further develop ideas I like to work with, explain and expand on issues that stem from previous projects, as well as consider immersive research and developing practices.
OPD interview with Joe Jeffrey and Austin Stout
This is a recording of my appearance on the OPD (Optimal Physique Development) podcast with Joe Jeffrey and Austin Stout. We discussed critical thinking, social science, subcultures, performance enhancing, strength sports and bodybuilding.
StromCast interview: Why do we do the stupid things we do?
Here’s a fun podcast I did with Rick Foster from Strom Sports Nutrition. Rick and I have had a bunch of conversations about this sort of stuff in the past so the podcast is pretty informal, and sometimes the language gets a little bit ‘lively’ especially when I start telling stories about gym culture.
Why do people explain learned behaviours using ideas connected to sex hormones?
This article is based on some extracts from one of my first academic papers. It uses key academic ideas to explain why people rely on often overly simplistic ideas about sex hormones as explanations for socially learned behaviours.
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