Academic reading: Part two

In this video I discuss the need for planning and strategy when you approach academic reading. While you might enjoy reading, academic reading is not reading for pleasure. You’re reading with a job in mind – you’re trying to get shit done.

Therefore, you should have a clearly marked out plan which you can execute and reflect upon. Without this in place you will read without direction and a clear endpoint. If you have no map for your journey, or knowledge of your destination, you can never know when you’ve arrived.

Think of it like training for a sport or doing exercise – you go to the gym with a plan, you try to progress over time, and you are trying to achieve some sort of goal. This is how you should approach academic reading.

Related links

My academic writing series. Start with part one

What would studying a PhD with me be like?

My university preparation course, UniPrep

Other Thoughts and Ideas:

Study skills with Dr. David Hindley


Academic reading: Part three


Academic reading: Part one